Pumpkin workout!! This is such a fun, festive workout to do every fall when it's pumpkin season! You'll want to use a decent size pumpkin - (my pumpkin is 15lbs!!!) for this one or feel free to just use weights. Modify as needed if your pumpkin isn't sturdy enough to hold you. Here's the workout -
Start with the warmup then do 3-6 rounds of 6 reps of 6 exercises...666 (insert evil laugh). Finish out the workout with the finisher of 60 hopovers and a 60 second plank. (Don't feel like you have to actually hop over the pumpkin - slightly stand behind it and use it as a reference.
Warmup: 60 seconds overhead high knees
3-6 rounds, 6 reps:
6 pumpkin burpees
6 spider knees(12 total, 6 each side)
6 pumpkin side lunge pickup (6 each side)
6 Frankenstein lunges (12 total, 6 each side) - go lighter in weights here, use one weight or slightly bend your elbows if you're holding a pumpkin
6 pumpkin pushups
6 pumpkin thrusters
60 hopovers
60 second pumpkin plank
Happy sweating!! You can also find this workout 24/7 on the On Demand tab from the Homepage.